The Tri-Parishes are looking for Eucharistic ministers who would be able to visit the homebound. Please call Scott at 508-586-4715 if you are interested in helping as a minister or if you would like a visit from someone in the parish.
Love computers? The Tri-Parishes have media and technology at all locations and could always use some help for setup and creation of presentations and media. If you are interested, please contact Deacon Tim Booker.
All of the clergy, office staff, and every volunteer is required to attend a Virtus—Protecting God’s Children training session, an archdiocesan sponsored program which teaches an awareness of those persons and situations which could endanger our children. The state also requires volunteers to submit a yearly CORI form. If you have already taken the VIRTUS class, you do not need to take it again; however, it is mandatory for all new volunteers. Please contact Deacon Tim Booker if you need training.
Our Tri-Parish communities are always in need of volunteers to bring the Word of God to our youngsters, or to those adults looking to deepen their faith. The Tri-Parish Faith Formation Coordinator for Grades 1-8 is Bridget Whyte and for Confirmation Levels I and II is Deacon TIm Booker. Our Cape Verdean Community is blessed to have Sr. Djai in charge of Faith Formation.
is a member of National and State organizations of Catholic women 18 years old or older who meet under the motto of Charity and Unity. There are monthly meetings on the third Tuesday of every month at 6:30 at OLOL church hall. We promote quality of life issues, education in our community through scholarships, work in our community and parishes fundraising for various charities as well as providing spiritual, social and cultural activities to our members. Contact person: Cathy Duford 508-588-0898
We are blessed to have wonderful music at all our parishes! Won't you please consider joining us? All voices, and instrumentalists are welcome!
Rehearsals are held on most Thursday nights from September through May. Teen choir rehearses briefly on some Sundays after mass. Contact Jack Colombo via the parish office at 508-586-4715
Our Tri-Parish Ministry of Consolation is here to assist families as they grieve and prepare the funeral celebration for a loved one. Some members contact the family, some offer prayers at the wake service, others help with writing cards, and preparing our annual Mass of Remembrance. For more information, please contact Ron Homer at 508-584-3412.
In 1882, a young priest named Michael McGivney gathered a small group of Catholic layman together in the basement of St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, CT. That group formed a fraternal society to provide for its members and their families, while offering fellowship among Catholic men. That group became known as the Knights of Columbus. The Knights of Columbus’ – Seville Council here at St. Edith Stein started in 1894, 12 years after Father McGivney founded the Knights.
From these humble origins, the Knights of Columbus has grown into a fraternal order with more than 1.7 million members located in over 13,000 councils throughout the world. Each year, members of our organization donate millions of volunteer hours and millions of dollars to charitable and Church causes. Besides performing good works, the Knights of Columbus provides a number of fraternal benefit programs to eligible members and their families.
Every Knights of Columbus council provides a wide variety of opportunities, projects and activities for members and their families to get involved in. We know time is one of the most valuable commodities in life and the amount of leisure and free time for the average person has decreased in recent years. Many outside influences are vying for the precious time that we all have.
However, if you believe in the importance of investing your time in friendship, the Church and helping others, we believe that the Knights of Columbus may be for you. The Knights is an organization of Catholic men and their families that derive a great sense of satisfaction from being able to develop lasting friendships with each other, while helping the less fortunate.
We would like to urge all men in this parish to consider joining the Knights of Columbus. And those who do belong to the Knights are encouraged to help a friend and his family, discover the opportunities available in the Knights.
Seville Council 93 for the Brockton Tri-Parishes meets on the second and fourth Monday of each month at Christ the King Parish. Contact Dana Boardman at 508-586-3076 for information regarding our chapter. Also check out our chapter web page by clicking here. The State Council for Massachusetts can be found by clicking here. For the Supreme Council website, please click here.
Boys and girls from grade 4 and above, and adults, who assist the priest at the liturgy. Contact your parish office for more information.
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion who serve the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass and to the sick and homebound. Call the parish office for more information.
Reader who proclaims the Scriptures at Mass and other services.
Parish volunteers who warmly welcome parishioners as they enter the Church for Mass.
Volunteers who assist people to their seat if necessary. They also take up the collection.
The role of this committee is to stimulate parishioners growth in faith. We are under the guidance of our Pastor . The committee members write brief articles and announcements for the bulletin and announcements. We coordinate the annual Rosary Rally, Distribute Divine Mercy Chaplet pamphlets, Organize the annual thanksgiving blessing of the bread. Make available rosaries in October and May along with prayer partition in May (commemorating Mary our mother). We help facilitate the Annual Parish Lenten retreat. We monthly pray the Rosary for our priests, vocations & all religious after the meeting. Please contact Scott Fearing for more information.
Founded in 1948, the St. Vincent de Paul Society has strived to administer to the poor and needy of the parish. The work of the Vincentians is funded solely by the contributions deposited in the St. Vincent de Paul boxes at the exits of the church, and the generosity of others who donate to our food pantry. For information regarding the St. Vincent de Paul Society at Christ the King Parish or St Edith Stein Parish, please call the Parish Office, 508-586-4715.
The PPC is involved in most activities and programs affecting the liturgical and spiritual life of the Tri-Parish. The Council is made up of members invited by the Pastor to assist him in his work shepherding the people of Brockton.
Duties include preparing the altar for Mass and cleaning the altar following Mass.
We are in need of volunteers to bring the Eucharist to our homebound and nursing homes. For more information contact Scott Fearing at 508-586-4715.
If you are homebound and would like to request a visit and Eucharist, please contact your parish office.
Christ the King Parish offers Eucharistic Adoration on Monday evenings in the church, beginning at 6:30pm.
Our Lady of Lourdes has their Adoration Chapel open Monday-Friday from 9am-2pm. Additionally, Adoration is offered following the Friday 9AM morning Mass until noon time.
St. Edith Stein Adoration is on Fridays at 7pm in Cape Verdean Creole.
The Rosary is prayed before daily Mass at Christ the King and St. Edith Stein parishes, and after the daily Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes.
The Twentieth Century Catholic Club was founded in 1905 to further Catholic educational, social and charitable aims. Scholarships have been awarded annually since 1916 to deserving Catholic students.
The Church is a symbol of our common bond as is our religion. Our meetings are a place where we can come together to make new friends. We thank God for our blessings and pray that we may continue to fulfill His Will by making Him known, loved and served to all. You are most welcome! Please contact the parish office for more information.
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